Do you love fresh herbs but don’t think you have the time or energy to grow them? These tips for the lazy Herb Gardner will have you growing herbs in no time.
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The truth is, growing your own herbs saves you so much money, and is a great way to spice up your cooking. Even if you think you don’t have time, there are plenty of ways to hack your way to a beautiful herb garden. If you want a lovely herb garden without all of the fuss, take a look below at these tips for the lazy herb gardener that you must try.
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Tips for the Lazy Herb Gardener
1. Buy seedlings over seeds.
Although seedlings cost more, you won’t have to mess with planting seeds, transplanting, and all of the other tasks that come with raising seeds. Choose seedlings instead and enjoy quicker results and enjoy hardier plants with less fuss.
2. Plant outdoors so you can enjoy yearly growth.
Plant your herbs directly outdoors so you can enjoy their return year after year. Most herbs are perennials, so if you plant them once they will continue to return even after the longest of winters. This saves you time and money from having to plant again year to year
3. Let the herbs provide pest control for you.
Did you know that certain herbs can help repel pests that would love to dine on your garden or flower beds? Basil and rosemary are both excellent for pest control and planting them will help you get the job done without tons of effort.
4. Choose rich soil.
Plant your herbs in nutrient rich soil that includes compost. This way you don’t need to worry about fertilizing as often and your plant will enjoy a better chance at growth. The lower grade soil you use, the more weeding, feeding, and watering you will have to do. Choose a nutrient rich soil instead and it will do so much of the work for you.
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5. Use a liquid fertilizer.
A liquid fertilizer can be added right into your watering can so you can water and feed at the same time. This saves you from having to do both tasks individually. Use a slow release fertilizer so your plants can enjoy regular feedings even if you aren’t there to feed them.
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6. Take a few seconds to remove dead foliage.
Be sure to take a few seconds each day to remove dead foliage from your plants. This way the plant doesn’t waste nutrients on trying to revive that part of the plant. Just use your fingers to pinch dead foliage and toss it in compost. This 3 second job can make a huge difference.
7. Consider a container garden.
A container herb garden is ideal if you prefer to have all your herbs in one easy to harvest space. If you just don’t have the time for a huge herb garden, a few herb plants in a pot will do. That way you only have one spot to tend to and it doesn’t get much easier than that!
Are you ready to grow an herb garden without all of the hassle? Give these tips for the lazy herb gardener a try and see what a difference they can make.
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