Prepping for an emergency and becoming more self sufficient doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be quite easy to do. Most prepping tasks are actually really simple to do and can be done (or at least started) in just a few minutes with very little work. Some of the most prepared people I have met were actually people who prepped a little at a time! That’s why prepping makes so much sense! It’s easy to do for the most part! Take a look at these 25 quick and easy ways to become self sufficient then get started!
25 Quick and Easy Ways to Become Self Sufficient
- Stock 100 Batteries – Most items that use batteries use at least 2. By stocking 100 in different sizes you’ll be making sure you have plenty of them on hand in case you need them.
- Buying a prepping book (or a book on how to learn a new skill).
- Add a few gallons of water to your storage.
- Add 1 can of freeze dried foods to your storage.
- Check the batteries in your smoke detectors and replace if needed.
- Make sure you have copies of any identifying documents (birth certificate, social security cards, etc) for all family members and that you know where they are.
- Make sure your bug out bag has updated items and no expired food or water.
- Make sure you have a properly stocked road kit in your car.
- Pick up a large bag of kitty litter to keep in your car (creates traction if you’re stuck)
- Buy 5lbs of rice and vacuum seal it or seal it up in Mylar bags.
- Get a NOAA approved weather radio. Bonus points for one that is hand crank and/or doubles as a flashlight.
- Buy 3 extra packages of diapers in 1 size larger if you have a baby.
- Store 2 board games for fun when the power is out if you have kids.
- Pick up 2 decks of playing cards for power outage boredom busters.
- Buy 3 candles for each room. If you have small children, consider going with LED Flameless candles.
- Add 1 extra blanket to your stockpile.
- Pick up 2 rolls of duct tape and set them aside.
- Add 1 package of nails to your tool box.
- Speaking of tools, make sure that you have at least a basic set.
- Buy a solar charger so you can still charge your phone in an emergency situation.
- Download the Red Cross apps. While they don’t provide a lot of info, the tornado one does allow you to send a mass text or FB post to your friends and family to let them know you’re okay.
- Stash $20 in your emergency prep cash fund
- Pull out your tent and check the seams to be sure it’s still in good condition. Spray water sealant over it to be sure it stays water tight.
- Plant 2-3 tomato plants to start growing your own food supply.
- Buy an extra jacket and winter coat for each member of your family.
Prepping your family for an emergency and being self sufficient doesn’t have to be some huge undertaking for your family. We all learned as kids that slow and steady wins the race and it’s very true in this case!
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