Growing your own herbs for tea making isn’t difficult, in fact, it can be quite enjoyable. Look below at these 7 plants to grow for medicinal tea making, and see how simple it can be to grow your own medical tea garden.
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Making your own medicinal tea can be therapeutic and good for your health while growing your own tea making herbs can be great for your budget!
Plants to Grow for Medicinal Tea Making
1. Mint.
If you plant just one small seedling of mint, it will quadruple in size over the next several years. This makes it a herb that will give you some real bloom for your buck! Add mint into tea when you have an upset stomach or digestion issues and it will settle the tummy fast.
2. Lavender.
If you need help falling asleep or beating a tension headache, lavender can help. Add lavender to your tea (it pairs well with honey) and sip slow. The aroma alone can help promote relaxation while the steeped herb will have benefits as well. Related- How to Grow Lavender
3. Chamomile.
Chamomile is one of the most popular tea making herbs and one you should try growing. The pretty little blooms can be used in tea and help with a host of issues such as insomnia and anxiety. If you prefer sweeter tea, chamomile is ideal for you! Also, chamomile is one of the best herbs for salve making.
4. Stevia.
If you like a little natural sweetness to your tea, stevia is perfect. Stevia is a natural sweetener and can help give your tea a little life. Use it along with other herbs and find the perfect pairing. Stevia does prefer warmer climates, so if you don’t have a great deal of warm weather trying growing it indoors in containers instead.
Make sure your 7 plants for medicinal tea making grow well by learning how to compost them
5. Ginger.
People have relied on ginger to help with their ailments for decades. Ginger can help build the immune system, help with flu like symptoms, colds, sore muscles, and more. It is perfect for growing during the summer and drying for winter months when colds and flu run rampant.
Related- Tips for foraging edible plants
6. Lemon Verbena.
If you suffer from joint stiffness and pain, lemon verbena can help. Use lemon verbena in your tea recipes and it won’t just add flavor, but health benefits as well. It is fairly easy to grow and even the smallest seedling will grow quickly!
7. Rosemary.
This herb is full of antioxidants and can help keep you feeling healthy and strong. It is fragrant, easy to grow, and a powerful perennial that will return year after year. It dries well, so if you grow it in abundance during the summer months you can always dry it for winter use.
Remember you can always grow these herbs in abundance during the warm months and dry them for later use. This is an easy way to put the power of these herbs to work for you all year long!
Consider these 7 herbs for medicinal tea making and see how fun and beneficial growing your own tea herbs can be.