Looking for a few homesteading skills to master this fall? After the rush of Summer, the slow down in fall allows a little time to learn a new skill.
Related- Tips for Planning a Homestead Garden

With winter quickly approaching, it is time to prepare yourself for the rough elements that lie ahead. Extreme weather can take a toll on your home in more ways than one. It can prevent you from getting out to buy the food you need, can cause power outages, and can also cause extreme cold. Luckily, there are ways to get your homestead ready.
Homesteading Skills to Master This Fall
1. Make your own candles.
This is a great way to keep light and heat on hand in the case of a power outage. You can find simple candle making recipes online and even make candles right on your own stove top. Try making a batch of candles so you have them on hand for outages and such.
2. Can the last of your garden produce.
Pick the last of your produce or purchase in season produce at a discount and can it for later. Make sauces, pickled veggies, ketchup, and other canned goodies so even if you can’t get out to the store, you have the food you need on hand.
3. Plant an indoor herb and greens garden.
Try growing fresh herbs and greens such as lettuce indoors. A window garden may work nicely and provide you with some fresh plants during the brutal winter months, sure to save you some serious cash.
4. Save seeds for next season.
Before you clear out your garden salvage what seeds you can. This way you can have seeds on hand in the spring when you are ready to start planting your garden again. You can even start them indoors to get a head start during the winter months!
5. Try knitting or crocheting.
Knitting or crocheting scarves, gloves, hats, and booties is a frugal way to stay warm. Try this skill and see how you do at it. If you are good at it, consider making these pieces of clothing for your family and friends to protect yourselves from the brutal winter months.
6. Learn natural cold and flu remedies.
Take care of yourself naturally by learning which herbs and teas can help you battle winter illness. You will find all sorts of homemade remedies online worth trying and keeping on hand should any illness arise.
7. Stockpile firewood.
Stockpile scrap wood and firewood to help you get through the cold winter. A fire burning stove is always a nice addition to your home, or you can burn firewood in your fireplace of course. It is smart to stock pile wood now so you don’t have to chop wood when the snow hits.
Start preparing your homestead this fall so when winter hits you are well prepared and don’t have to brave the elements anymore than you have to. These skills are easy to manage and can make a huge difference, so give them a try!