Everybody seems to be into raising their own backyard chickens these days. So, knowing which chickens are the best egg layers is an important part to having your own. Related- Homestead Chickens Just remembering these terms for chickens can help someone decide what kind of chicken they may want to start out with.Do they want a standard size chicken or a small chicken called a bantam?* Hen: ...
Benefits of Raising Chickens
Chickens are one of the easiest homestead animals to raise. But, some people do not understand the benefits of raising chickens. The eggs and meat from backyard chickens is more nutritious and tastier than the store bought versions, and chickens can also help gardens flourish in a variety of ways.Keeping chickens can also provide children with an educational pet and can teach them ...
Prepping Your Pet for Winter
The upcoming winter season means lots of cold weather and ice. As you know this can be quite uncomfortable for people, which means it can be quite uncomfortable for pets too. So how can you be sure you are keeping your pets safe during the winter months? You can check out these tips for prepping your pet for winter. Include them in your emergency plan. In your emergency supplies be sure you ...
Adding Chickens to the Homestead
Thought about adding chickens to the homestead, but haven't quite convinced yourself you need them? This post will help you see why homestead chickens are a good idea. Who knows your new best friend might end up being a chicken. Related- Which Chickens are the best Egg Layers Adding chickens to the homestead Eggs, eggs, eggs. Odds are this is the reason you are thinking about chickens. ...
Getting Started With Livestock on the Homestead
Have probably already started or are researching how to start a homestead?This post will cover the basics of getting started with livestock. Related- How to start Homesteading One very important aspect of homesteading is raising animals. Raising animals provides you with meat and other products that help make you more self-sufficient. For that reason it is worth at least looking into. ...